Friday, December 18, 2009

Calling a salad a salad

Last Friday at the man-shan I was treated to some extra-tasty chicken burritos. Austin worked his tex-mex magic whipping up a home-made salsa for the occasion. The burritos hit the spot, and not to look a gift-donkey in the mouth, but this salsa was chunky to the point where it no longer could be honestly classified under the category 'salsa'. This was a 'salad' if I'd ever seen one. I'm definitely a man of the fine-chop salsa persuasion. In my books, If it doesn't stick to the chips, it's not salsa. I know, in this hectic rat-race of a world, who's got time to be chopping tomatoes and onions all night. We've all got things to do and people to see. Enter the Slapchop! Guess what Santa's bringing Austin for Christmas. 

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