Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Growing Ambitions of the Food Police

Sellspringen by Leni Riefenstahl, circa 1930s

Perhaps you've heard that sugared beverages are now being taxed in 40 American states. This money grab is based on the justification that those who consume them, place a disproportionate burden on the state medicare system. This is the same argument justifying the 300 or 500 percent surtax levied on cigarettes. But of course, there is an underlying ethical paternalism behind these taxes--these products are bad for people and higher prices will discourage their consumption. Here is a great article from William Saletan at Slate, on the latest in a growing number of governmental infringements on the personal freedoms of citizens of that country. I urge you to read it as the implications are huge. The best part is the excerpt of some academic arguing for the taxation of diet soft drinks based on the justification that they encourage a dependence on sweet foods.

Isn't it interesting though, that coke machines are found in almost every middle school in the States ... no contradiction here. Local governments don't seem to mind the Coca-cola company funding their schools in exchange for the obesity of their children. Think of all the new books they could buy if they provided cigarette machines for the kiddies as well.

Now that we've demonstrated the sham of any ethical justification for the tax, let's broaden the implications of the economic argument. Let's consider who spends more time in the hospital, your average couch potato, sucking on darts and hucking back ding-dongs, or your average professional athlete? Better start taxing skateboards and football equipment too. I also wonder if these figures thrown around, demonstrating how smokers and cola addicts are a disproportionate burden to the state, factor in the shorter life-spans of people in these sectors of society. Think of the kajillions saved in pension payouts. Seems more reasonable to add a surtax on those with healthy life-styles, who are likely to collect these payments for decades as non-productive member of society. Guess why half of the world's smokers live in China. Their government has obviously figured this out. Long-term thinkers, the Chinese.

1 comment:

Will said...

I just linked to your silly asses (hur hur).